Illinois Criminal Justice Reform Bill
Criminal Justice Reform in Illinois was passed by the legislature in January during a “Lame duck” session. A Lame Duck session occurs between the November election and the swearing-in of new members in January following that election. Typically tax increases are passed at this time as well because there are no electoral consequences for the outgoing members. The Criminal Justice Reform Bill was a compilation of a progressive wish list that included removing cash bail and a host of directions to police that would micromanage their interaction with the public and especially suspects in a crime. Of greater consequence is the unresolved issue of “qualified immunity” for police.
Qualified Immunity is the placement of full liability on the police officer for his actions. Currently, any police officer who commits a crime or interacts with suspects in an unlawful manner is subject to the legal system. Progressive activists want to remove the entire umbrella of immunity and make officers fully liable for any action they take. This would have a chilling effect on law enforcement and police officers in particular.
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1525 Kilburn Avenue, Rockford, Illinois 61101