Find Your Committee:
Citizens for a Safer Community!
Our Mission
To inspire, nurture, and support a grassroots movement of citizens who will fight to restore and preserve a safer environment within our communities.
Our Purpose
SAFE believes that all citizens have a right to public safety and deserve to live in a Safe Active Family Environment (S.A.F.E.), and that right should not be encroached upon. Our elected officials are obligated to defend the Constitution and the citizen’s rights for their pursuit of happiness that can only be preserved when the Rule of Law is respected and enforced.
Our Impact
SAFE members are a group of people who have banded together over the issue of public safety. We work to educate fellow citizens on public policy and how their elected officials act in funding and supporting law enforcement’s sworn duty to protect and service their communities. Then we work to hold these elected officials accountable, and when necessary, replace them with persons who will work to make our communities safer for all citizens.
Who we are
S.A.F.E. is a consortium of Illinois political action committees created by citizens within the county to have the most impact on local and state elections and influence their public officials.
We are community of like-minded citizens who believe in the rule of law and the invaluable role Law Enforcement officials perform in maintaining law and order and keeping our communities safe. Will you support our efforts to elect and hold accountable those public officials who are responsible for preserving public safety?